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در پالایش زبان از سوی (2,031 تراز)
دوباره دسته بندی کردن از سوی


ریشه democracy از یوناییک (مردم+فرمانروایی/سالاری) است.
ریشه republic از لاتینیک (همگان/مردم+سود/بهره) است . (چیزی نزدیک به همسود، همبهره، یا بهره همگانیک).
اگر مردم سالاری را برای democracy اندرورزانیم، برای republic چه می توانیم گفتن؟

democracy (n.)

"government by the people, system of government in which the sovereign power is vested in the people as a whole exercising power directly or by elected officials; a state so governed," 1570s, from French démocratie (14c.), from Medieval Latin democratia (13c.), from Greek dēmokratia "popular government," from dēmos "common people," originally "district" (see demotic), + kratos "rule, strength" (see -cracy).

republic (n.)

c. 1600, "state in which supreme power rests in the people via elected representatives," from French république (15c.), from Latin respublica (ablative republica) "the common weal, a commonwealth, state, republic," literally res publica "public interest, the state," from res "affair, matter, thing" (see re) + publica, fem. of publicus "public" (see public (adj.)). Republic of letters attested from 1702.

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